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English Debate Grand Final Champion

Grand finals are always difficult. However, this one was especially difficult because it was held right after the end of the Final Term examinations. Not only did Team 2 need to succeed in their exams, but they also needed to commit to preparing for the final match of the debating season. As a result, the astonishing victory they secured was even more brilliant and deserving!

Addison Lau (3S), Henric Lau (3S) and Moses Leung (3S), who spoke in that order respectively, delivered critical, convincing and compelling arguments as the negative side on the motion This House Believes That Celebrities should not act as spokespeople for humanitarian issues. Often spending hours after school brainstorming and refining their points, Team 2’s commitment to preparing for the debate was exceptional, and paid off by bringing home the Grand Final trophy! Also, just as no one is an island, no team is without its support. Huge thanks and congratulations are due to the members of Team 1 who selflessly gave their time and effort to ensure Team 2 would perform excellently on the day. Undoubtedly, this victory belongs to everyone in the Debating Club!

Securing the win and taking home the trophy was a tremendous way to end the 2021-2022 debating season. It is hoped that their effort will inspire younger debaters at school to join the team in 2022-2023 so they may flourish in a way that only the Debating Club can provide. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy, and so is true of debating. Congratulations again to all in the Club and we look forward to more challenging debates and excellent performances in this school year!


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