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Campus Management Ambassador

  • Aims

    • Maintaining safety of classrooms: manage keys to classrooms

    • Creating an environmentally-friendly campus: manage electrical appliances of classrooms and reduce energy consumption

    • Keeping the campus clean: ensure students on-duty clean their classrooms

  • ​Activities

    • Duties

      • Lunchtime patrols and inspections

    • Development of practical skills

      • To create wooden furniture​

      • To learn simple repair skills

    • Connection with the community and dissemination of the latest campus management information

      • Visit to the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department - Solar Power Generation

      • Visit to landfill facilities - Enhancing environmental awareness

    • Learning about the surrounding ecology and increasing environmental consciousness among teachers and students

      • Ecological tours and beach cleaning activities

      • Post-activity sharing sessions

    • Building team spirit and uniting classes

      • Camping and gatherings

      • Inter-class cleaning competitions (2-3 times a year)

Address: Heng On Estate Ma On Shan Shatin NT   Tel: 26415866   Fax: 26415777

© 2023 Po Leung Kuk Wu Chung College. All Rights Reserved.

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