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HKSSDC Term Two Round One Debate (Team Two)

Updated: Dec 6, 2022

Despite the difficulties of working online, Team 2 did an excellent job preparing for their recent debate on 10 March against CCC Kei Chi Secondary School. Team 2 were arguing as the negative side on the motion “TW deny smokers access to public healthcare”. They were victorious on the day, and deserve respect for their commitment and maturity.

The first speaker was Samual Liu (F2), who argued the motion was impractical for the economy. The second speaker was Addison Lau (F3), who reasoned the motion was unethical. The third speaker, Moses Leung (F3), was excellent as the third speaker, and even managed four rebuttals in his speech. The adjudicator was impressed with Team 2's method, manner and matter. Also, congratulations to Addison, who was awarded the Best Speaker! We are looking forward to the next debate, and hope to repeat our success.

Team 2 having their Term Two Round One Debate against CCC Kei Chi Secondary School with the support of Team 1

Addison Lau (F3), who “spoke with passion”, as commented by the adjudicator, was awarded the Best Speaker of the debate.


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