On 6th June, Team 2 of the Debating Club gave a stellar performance at a recent debate between our school and STFA Tam Pak Yu College. The debate was on the motion “THW ban all advertising during entertainment content aimed at children.”, and we were the affirmative side. Jason Wong (F4), Jacky Siu (F4) and Timmy Lau (F4) represented Team 2 as first, second and third speaker respectively.
All debaters argued their main ideas well, and both Jacky and Timmy managed to give some strong rebuttals. The adjudicator was impressed with our performance and awarded us the win. Accompanied with the two previous wins, Team 2 has won the ticket to the Grand Final in late July. Furthermore, Jason was awarded the Best Speaker, which is a tremendous achievement. Well done to all members of Team 2!

On 7th June, Team 1 of the Debating Club had another match with HKFAA Thomas Cheung Secondary School, on the same motion. Wilson Suen (F2), Kenxif Chan (F3) and Justin Fong (F4) represented Team 1 as first, second and third speaker, arguing for the negative side.
All debaters went into full gear for the debate, presenting their arguments clearly with strong rebuttals. Just a mere step away from the Term 2 Final, their keen collaboration and industrious effort deserve a big round of applause. It is pleasing to see members of Team 1 actively assisting Team 2 in preparing for the Grand Final, manifesting teamwork and their sense of belonging to the Debating Club. Well done Team 1!