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Victory in the Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition (Term 1, Round 2, 2024-25)

The T1R2 debate competition between Po Leung Kuk Wu Chung College and Kau Yan College was an emotional roller coaster for all reasons – It’s the first debate held face-to-face this year; it’s the first time for our F.2 member, Kevin Zhong (2R), to be a speaker; and it’s the first time we needed a substitute as the original second speaker, Aiden Wong (3R), was sick. Still, the team managed to pull off a victory thanks to our teamwork and resilience!

Arguing for the motion, “This house would abandon all tourism-related economic strategies,” our first speaker, Kevin, explained how economic leakage in tourism and vulnerability made these strategies less effective in sustaining the economy than the countermodel of investing in the educational sector with great passion. The second speaker, Abby Wong (4R), presented two succinct rebuttals and elaborated on the harm to cultural and natural capital brought by tourism. The third speaker, Adrian Man (3S), skillfully analysed the clashes in the debate with three effective rebuttals.

Cooperation and perseverance justified the team's victory in this match. It is worth mentioning that Abby, who courageously took the position as the second speaker impromptu, was awarded The Best Speaker for her great rebuttals and eloquent delivery. It’s heartwarming to see how the Chairperson brought the whole team out of the crisis. Our team will continue to grow strong, and all members are now in top gear preparing for the T1 Final. Stay tuned!


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