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HKSSDC Debate Finals

On 8-9 July, 2019, both our debating teams participated in Finals.

On 8th July, 2019,Team II, Dominic Wong (2S), Lavina Choy (4S) and Sandy Ng (4S), ably supported by Matthew Wong (3S), participated in the Grand Final at Chinese University of Hong Kong. The motion, which our team supported, was that “posting students’ grades on school noticeboards motivates students to perform better”. Our opponents were students from Ning Po College. Our three debatersdisplayed their usual very good teamwork, and showed how much they have improved as debaters. Unfortunately, in a close decision, Po Leung Kuk Wu Chung College lost. However, the team’s efforts were rewarded with a trophy for being the Runner-up, and the applause of a large audience.

On 9thJuly, 2019,Team I, Angelina Lau(4D), Sarah Leung(4D) and HugoChan (4S), ably supported by Dora Chan (3S), participated in the Term Two Final at Tack Ching Girls’ Secondary School. The motion, which our team opposed, was that “this house would nationalize social media”.The students showed the benefits of their hard work and preparation. They have all grown in confidence as debaters in English. Unfortunately, this was another debate we lost in a close decision, but we returned with a trophy for being the Runner-up.

All eight members of the Englishdebating team are to be congratulated not only on their participation and very pleasing results, but also on their increased confidence, poise and team work. The school community is very proud of them.


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